Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Derek in the Arctic - Monday

Wow we are already in the north then we take another 3 hour plane ride to Churchill. We are experiencing all 4 seasons in less than an hour. Yes it was snowing for just a short bit. The fall colors are amazing. Deep reds and oranges and yellows.

We toured around town and got a history of Churchill which is amazing. A very exciting stop was to the local trappers, and they talked to us about life on the tundra and the fur trade. Really amazing people to survive off the land when it seems so barren. The Canadian government regulates the takes and will actually take away your "trap line" if you are not using it.

Our next stop was D20, the old army building where they hold the bears when they are too close to town or property and people. Very interesting and the game wardens (for lack of a better name) were really insightful about how the bears are and what they do as a job.

We then took the tundra buggy out to the lodge and got settled in for some well-deserved sleep. Sorry this is a bit truncated but breakfast is getting cold. I will try to get more up later.


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